@Llanus te has equivocado XD hay que cambiar sólo una letra.
Bueno, le toca empezar una nueva lista a @Hyaku Nin Giri, ya sabes, elige la palabra que quieras xD
Recordad que sólo se puede cambiar una letra y que no puede ser la misma que la que ha cambiado el anterior usuario! :3
"It pleases me to bear you say that
However... I am a creature of illusions. And you are human
We have different world to go back to
I will return to the illusions
So you should also return back to your own world"
"You think I'll let you get away? You're my Golden Witch
If you intend to fall into this Abyss. I'll fall with you
If it's a world of nothingness, we'll disappear together
But until the very last moment...
...You will be mine..."
"It pleases me to bear you say that
However... I am a creature of illusions. And you are human
We have different world to go back to
I will return to the illusions
So you should also return back to your own world"
"You think I'll let you get away? You're my Golden Witch
If you intend to fall into this Abyss. I'll fall with you
If it's a world of nothingness, we'll disappear together
But until the very last moment...
...You will be mine..."
Es la isla de la eternidad,
donde no florecen los árboles,
Es un mundo de perdición,
Donde inocentes muñecos mueren,
Donde la felpa lucha por su vida,
Donde nadie decide su suerte,
solo escogen si luchan un nuevo día.